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User:Hudson Maddy/Evaluate an Article

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Which article are you evaluating?[edit]

Biomarker (cell)

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?[edit]

This is a fascinating question .Although I have a plethora of articles .But , this article attracted me a lot to go through . Generally, biomarkers or biogeneral markers are the characteristics of a body that we can measure BLOOD PREASURE. Biomarkers are very important in medicine. THE BIOMARKERS are also used for scanning a patient's body like X RAY or CAT SCANS .  The BIOMARKERS has classified into three they are PROGNOSTIC BIOMARKERS,PREDICTIVE BIOMARKERS,PHARMACODYNAMIC BIOMARKERS. Biomarkers helps us to characterize the earliest stage of a disease .

*Biomarkers can be used for several purposes mainly, it is used to identify how a  person's body is reacting to the TREATMENT.

*Biomarkers are integral to drug development.

*It is also used for medical trials .

*BIOMARKERS are also used for cancer

Evaluate the article[edit]

Firstly, molecular attraction in cells is  defined by BIOMARKERS. Generally biomarkers are used to identify a disease from early stages and disease history .It also helps us to identify disease severity. Now a days , In drug development we are facing many issues with major fail ratios .With all the clinical trails out of 100 PERCENT we are facing 90 CENT fails in the developing stage .As i mentioned above biomarkers are integral to drug development .

There are different classes of biomarkers . They are

  *PROGNOSTIC BIOMARKERS:-This biomarkers are indirectly associated with disease.

  *PREDICTIVE BIOMARKERS:-This biomarkers tell us to find the drug activity .

  *PHARMACODYNAMIC BIOMARKERS:-This cell is having a particular mechanism on tumor cells.

*There are also clinical applications of biomarkers.They are

 *MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS:-These types are basically analyzed by DNA.

 *CELLULAR BIOMARKERS:-This biomarkers analize all RNA cells.

 *IMAGING BIOMARKERS:-This type helps us to analyze the detection of change in protein .

*Here MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS are also classified into different types .they are





  *BIOMARKERS can also used to measure disease prevention , disease  protection or certain environmental exposure.