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Chogyam Trungpa, in the references cited in the page "Chogyam Trungpa" has not, and has never to my knowledge credibly been accused of being a "sexual predator". The problem is one of the projections of those who base their opinions merely on hearsay.

Two of his students have been accused and one did plead guilty to being a sexual predator. This fact cannot logically used to extrapolate the same to their teacher, no more than it can be extrapolated to their parents or school teachers or others.

To give the same label to the religious teacher of a sexual predator who was an unorthodox teacher is simply illogical and those who cannot see that should consider the faulty logic and emotion they are using to make this extrapolation.

If any credible, well-researched article is published that can verify another view, I will not edit the page.