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The Green Beaver Company is a family owned natural and organic skin care and cosmetics line. Founded in Canada in 2002 by Alian and Karen Menard, their goal was to create self-care products without the harsh chemicals already so commonly found in most products on shelves today. With the great efforts of Canadian organic farmers, chemists, microbiologists, and eco-friendly product packaging, Green Beaver’s dream is quickly becoming a successful and well known reality. Products can be purchased online, or in cosmetic and grocery stores across Canada – and now expanded to the United States. Green Beaver specializes in and is most commonly recognized for its aluminum- free deodorants, fluoride- free toothpastes, and natural sunscreens.


After working in the pesticide industry for many years, co- founder Karen Clark became very familiar with the amounts of harsh chemicals and pesticides put into products made for self care. Understanding how dangerous such chemicals are to the human body with her job background, and seeing them be put in to products used so often shocked her immensely. She made the decision to resign from her job, after being so disgusted in seeing some of the most threatening ingredients be used in even, baby products. After resigning, Karen found herself formulating her own line of products safe to use on her on the way child. Alain also gained interest on the same issue when his sister was diagnosed with cancer, and being told the reasoning behind her diagnosis was toxic ingredients in her self care routine. Being a microbiologist and also comprehending the dangers of pesticides working in the pharmaceutical industry, Alain quickly hopped on the natural homemade bandwagon with his wife. Soon after creating so many, Karen and Alian came to the conclusion they would share such clean and safe use products with the rest of Canada. With the philosophy that we all have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and ourselves by choosing what our bodies consume, Green Beaver believes we all can stand together to change industries that are causing harm in the world around us. Being one of the only Canadian brands to offer not only natural, but certified organic ingredients in care products made for daily use; The Green Beaver Company quickly rose to success within the last 15 years of beginning their business.


Fluoride-free Frosty Mint Toothpaste[edit]

Similarly like our usual colgate or crest brand toothpastes, Green Beaver’s frosty mint version shares all of the same oral health benefits, with the only difference between the tubes being what is actually inside of them. The generic brand toothpastes the general public are familiar with all contain the chemical fluoride that gives the teeth resistance to decay. It is also added to our tap water for the same function. Excessive exposure to the use of the chemical has been linked to many health issues. Green Beaver has replaced the harmful chemical with natural alternatives such as peppermint oil and calcium ascorbate, which still offer the same benefits for teeth, and also leave your mouth just as minty fresh as any artificial flavour would.

Lavender Natural Aluminum- Free Deodorant[edit]

It is well known that aluminum based deodorants and antiperspirants increase ones risk of developing breast cancer, being applied on one of the bodies most sensitive spots close to the chest. Being applied to your armpits so often on a daily basis, chance of illness is at higher risk when it comes to the type of deodorant you choose to apply with. Green Beaver’s environmental and efficient replacement choice for this deadly chemical is Labrador Tea. With the combining anti-odorant effects of Sage oil, the Lavender classic spin on deodorant still offers the same clean deodorizing effects of our usual secret or dove brand deodorants, Green Beaver just offers a healthier more environmentally friendly option.

Adult Natural Mineral Sunscreen Lotion- SPF 40[edit]

Living in Canada, sunscreen is not as valued as it is in countries more applicable to warmer climates. The general public usually is not informed on the importance of applying. The sun creates one of the most strong and damaging rays of UV to our skin- which being so sensitive, does not take it in well. UV rays are known to cause early aging, gives skin a higher chance to develop derma logical diseases and illnesses such as skin cancer or polymorphus light eruption. Green Beaver’s provides safe natural alternative sun ray protecting ingredients zinc oxide and dicapryly carbonate. While still providing long-lasting, non-sticky, nourishing protection. By being so safe it was approved by health canada; what more could you ask for in your sunscreen?

Zesty Orange Castile Liquid Soap[edit]

Made with the simple ingredients used centuries ago to make generic soap, this multipurpose soap is made to represent as a close second in our modern age. Instead of using the traditionally used palm or olive oil in Green Beaver’s previous all purpose cleaners, they have recently stepped up their game and made the switch to use certified organic, sunflower seed oil as its main ingredient. Blended with coconut oil for softer, gentler, use to clean your radiant skin. In addition, the zesty orange scent will provide your home or body with a natural vitamin C aroma. As pure and biodegradable as the soap gets, it is recommended for safe and effective clean around your home. Being so multipurposed, these ingredients perform like synthetic ones, just without the toxins.

Product Lines[edit]

Junior Beaver[edit]

The main inspiration to start The Green Beaver Company was to create safe enough products for kids to use, as that was one of Karen’s biggest concerns. Created specifically for kids, this product line brings parents organic hair and body care products for the use of children. The problem most people do not look into deep enough is the fact that chemical ingredients in our personal care products are applied onto the body, which then allow for absorption in the body. Children are put at greater risk having a greater surface area to body weight ratio than adults. This line includes shampoo, bubble bath, and detangler options. Infused with natural parent approved ingredients such as Canadian grown berries and carrot oil, these products are made to nourish, hydrate, and protect delicate skin at the highest level.

Awards and Nominations[edit]

Green Beaver became the first Canadian company that is plastic and microbead free, as unfortunate as that sounds, it is still a beginning to positively impact the personal care industry. They have won many awards and have been recognized by many for the work they put into taking care of our selves and the environment we live in. Recently, they won the 2019 CHFA Launch Pad Innovation Award for their new aluminum free 100% natural antiperspirant.

Reference List[edit]