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Thecrazydonvingigante (born Marvin Alvin Bubba George Bush Droopalong on July 17 1603 (age 406) in Bonneville Crater, Mars, and currently residing in Oniontown, New York) is a Martian UFO pilot. He was the pilot of the UFO that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. He was sent to Earth to perform surviellence for no apparent reason and all that fun stuff.

Early Life[edit]

Droopalong was born on July 17, 1603 in Bonneville Crater, Mars, the first child (of ten) of two Plutonian immigrants. In 1621, Droopalong graduated from Orbit High School, which later became the alma mater of George Jetson (class of 1937).

In 1625, Droopalong married high school sweetheart Olivia Sylvester. They have seven children.

In 1923 Droopalong was employed by the Martian government to conduct surviellence of Earth, as Martian emperor Dick Berggren believed that then-President Warren G. Harding and his government were a threat to Martian security.

1947 Roswell, New Mexico Crash[edit]

After completing 206 successful surveillence missions, Droopalong departed on the morning of July 6, 1947 from Arsia Mons. The mission was to fly over the city of Roswell. That night, just outside Roswell, his saucer lost power and crashed into a field. The wreck was witnessed by the pilot of a Martian second saucer travelling behind him, piloted by Sharon Osbourne. Droopalong and a passenger, Oglethorpe Rockland, were loaded into that saucer and transported back to Arsia Mons. Droopalong was treated for serious injuries including a mild concussion and shock. Rockland died from his injuries on the way to Arsia. Droopalong was back on the job three months later. He vehemently denies rumours of autopsies conducted by the US government, saying that Rockland was the only passenger and that his body was removed from the wreck and taken back to Mars before any one else even knew the crash had happened.