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How are we going to fight the Covid-19 Pandemic.[edit]

The Covid-19 Pandemic is the most terrifying of its kind, with potential global implications at the summit of society. Governments are fighting for power and trying to restrain the people's freedom in order to prevent any further outbreak. Media leaders are creating propaganda that distracts us from what really matters: getting vaccinated and fighting off the virus before it spreads.This pandemic is looming large on our horizon, but we cannot allow fear to stop progress.

As citizens of today's society, we must fight for freedom worldwide - one way or another - or risk letting this unpreventable pandemic wipe out humanity as we know it. We need to understand the enemy that is trying to get into our bodies. The Covid-19 virus is a disease that starts off with flu-like symptoms, but then rapidly progresses to paralysis and death by suffocation. It's spread by airborne droplets, direct contact between bodily fluids, and other close proximity methods. The problem with the current message being given out by the media is that people are being misled into thinking that getting vaccinated guarantees their survival - which is false. Although vaccines have been proven to be effective in many cases, they are not always effective in preventing someone from getting infected with Covid-19.

We must prepare for this situation by keeping ourselves safe, and keeping others safe, with next-level knowledge of the virus. Getting vaccinated is merely an extra step in our fight against the global pandemic. We need to realize that getting vaccinated only protects us from new infections, not from existing ones. If we do not vaccinate ourselves or our loved ones against Covid-19, we will be putting them at great risk of possibly becoming infected with the virus - for those who don't make it back to a vaccine clinic before they die - and also risking infection ourselves as the virus spreads throughout our community. To address this issue, we must make sure that as many people as possible are aware of all their potential routes of infection. As over 90% of the public are currently uninfected, we are aware of these routes - but how many people are treating the Covid-19 virus without taking preventative action? The answer is very few. People are distracted by media-borne fears that the virus could be "airborne" or that it could mutate into an airborne strain. Making sure that our loved ones are aware of their risk - and letting them know what they should be doing to protect themselves - is the best way to ensure safety for everyone around us. We live in a world where people believe everything they hear through the media, which can be easily manipulated by governments to spread fear so they can control us more effectively.