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New to Wikipedia I am. Treat me nicely, please. :)

About Me[edit]

My name is Kristaps and as of writing this I am 23 years old (yes, OLD). I was born in Riga, Latvia on October 30, 1985 where I lived until June 2009 before moving to Tallinn, Estonia where I am working at the moment. Currently I study English language in the University of Latvia. But before choosing this I did a year trying to study Economics (found it to be a bore) and a year studying Telecommunications Engineering (way too hard for me).

Generally I do not consider myself to be a particularly interesting person, but you can always chat with me about U2 or movies. But not too philosophically – I’m not an artistic spirit finding all kinds of philosophical ideas everywhere I go. Rather, I’m quite an ordinary drone just living my life as I want often not giving a rat’s arse of what other might think.

Why I Joined Wikipedia?[edit]

The main reason was just to participate in Beta (Woot! There are skins!!!11oneeleventy!!1), but since then I've done some minor edits myself, hopefully nothing bad though. In the future I hope to contribute a bit more.... ... ... but since I'm quite a lazy person and like to procrastinate a lot, this might not happen that easily.